The expression “better late than never” has never been more appropriately used than what has transpired in the last few weeks. For the longest time, nanny agencies in Ontario have been taking advantage of vulnerable caregivers and promise them jobs that simply do not exist. While many Ontario agencies declare that they have nothing to do with the fact that many of the employers change their mind when the worker arrives, the opposite is actually true. The truth has finally come out and thanks to media pressure the industry is now out in the open where the public now knows how these agencies really operate.
For example, the agencies are well aware that the workers should not be paying for placement fees but it is common for agencies in Ontario to have an “agent” abroad who charge the workers up to $10,000. In many cases, the agencies have filed applications under the name of employers who really do not need workers. The goal is to have the worker enter Canada on the “ghost employers” work permit, then get released and then find a new employer.
Thankfully, that will all stop if the government changes the rules as they have promised. Under their proposal, agencies will have to be regulated and there will be a ban on charging fees to workers as they have done in Manitoba. As well, any agency that is caught violating the law will be fined up to $50,000 and be blacklisted.
For those who have been victimized, the above measures may be a little late but there are still remedies available. Firstly, it is important for victims to speak out against these agencies who charge thousands of dollars for bogus employers. To do so, workers can contact our office where we are compiling a report to the minister with a list of agencies who must be under surveillance. Secondly, there is a civil remedy in the courts. Workers who feel that they should be compensated are also encouraged to contact our office where we are attempting to commence a class action against these agencies who have consistently scammed people. Time for justice has begun.
Attorney Henry Moyal is a certified and licensed immigration lawyer in Toronto, Ontario. The above article is general advice only and is not intended to act as a legal document. Send questions to Attorney Moyal by email or call 416 733 3193