Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada implements public policy to help stranded temporary workers from Trinidad and Tobago
Effective December 16, 2020—A temporary public policy has been put in place to help agricultural workers from Trinidad and Tobago who are stranded in Canada due to COVID-19-related travel restrictions in their home country.
While Canada continues to discuss solutions with the government of Trinidad and Tobago to enable the workers to return home, this public policy ensures they can maintain their legal status if they remain in Canada through the winter months.
Under the policy, which will be in effect until February 12, 2021, workers will be able to apply for temporary status and get a 6-month open work permit. This should allow them to find other employment and apply for any other government support they may be entitled to, such as employment insurance. This action is part of a broader effort to support the needs of these workers, including emergency accommodation.
While the vast majority of workers who came to Canada this spring were able to return home prior to the expiry of their permits, Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada stands ready to respond appropriately and to support any other workers who find themselves in similar circumstances.
Attorney Henry Moyal is a certified and licensed immigration lawyer in Toronto, Ontario. The above article is general advice only and is not intended to act as a legal document. Send questions to Attorney Moyal by email or call 416 733 3193